Global Perm NW seeks to connect healthcare workers to opportunities that strengthen health systems and medical care for underserved communities all over the world.

Doctors, nurses and other healthcare providers have a deep desire to serve. And they have an abundance of expertise and energy to offer.

Global Perm NW seeks to harness this energy. We provide guidance and support to help them make a sustainable and meaningful difference in people’s lives.

The Impact of Building Healthcare Capacity

We support activities that build the capacity of local healthcare systems to provide high-quality equitable care over the long term.

We believe that we can have the greatest impact if we help to improve the capacity and quality of local healthcare systems in underserved communities. We believe that this has the potential to build resilient communities that can better meet their own needs. We support projects that incorporate education, hands-on training, consultation and research.

We value mutual and bilateral partnership. We support collaborations that address the needs identified by partners in the community being served.

Make a Difference!

Make a Difference!

Be a part of our mission

Global Perm NW provides support and guidance for Kaiser Permanente Northwest healthcare professionals and their collaborating partners to teach, train and provide health-supporting activities in underserved countries and regions.

Help Support Our Mission

Help Support Our Mission

Your gift will be multiplied!

Your gift matters and will help to improve the health of people worldwide.

Help Support Our Mission

Your gift will be multiplied!

Your gift matters and will help to improve the health of people worldwide.

Help Support Our Mission